DSA Pre-Conference Workshop at ISPI!

Instructional Design: Reinforcing Fundamentals and Providing Advanced Skills

A Pre-conference Workshop, International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI)

  • When? Saturday April 9th, 2011, 8:30-5:00

  • Where? The Performance Improvement Conference 2011 at the Walt Disney World Swan Hotel Orlando, Florida

  • How Much? Conference Attendee or Member Rate:    $ 395

  • Non Member, Non Conference Attendee: $ 445

  • Workshop Code: WSF

Darryl Sink
Darryl L. Sink & Associates, Inc.

This is a comprehensive workshop specifically focused on design skills. You’ll learn proven strategies for designing and developing  successful instruction and will be able to match your training to your organization’s business needs. The format allows busy course developers and instructional designers to concentrate on the critical design and development stages that make up the bulk of any training project. Training managers who want a clear, consistent design procedure  for courses developed in their departments will benefit greatly from this workshop.  In addition, the workshop that contains 10 dynamic lessons, 10 experiential  activities, and hands–on design with your own projects, each participant will receive a personal copy of the 116–page Instructional  Design Workshop binder. This workbook completely documents each  topic covered and also includes job aids, a glossary, and bibliography. This workshop will help participants gain fundamentals and advanced techniques in instructional design. Participants will come away with specific tools they can use right away back on the job. The workshop provides an opportunity to apply what is learned to a project of their own.

We invite you to join us for a performance-based and business results oriented program!

[readmore link=”http://www.ispi.org/content.aspx?id=1208″]Register at this link using Workshop Code: WSF[/readmore]

Workshop attendees will be able to:

  • Take-away a practical approach, specific procedures, and skills for designing performance-based instructional programs.
  • Develop a module on one of their own training topics created with feedback in the workshop.
  • Receive a participant’s guide with key points to remember, examples, many job aids including templates to help them apply what they have learned back on their job.

Objectives and Associated Participant Benefit/Purpose (Please note that 80% of the objectives are at the application level or higher):

  • Identify the business needs and drivers. (First things first or where to start.)
  • Generate a content/task analysis related to the program goals. (I need to figure out what content is necessary and sufficient to meet the program or course goals.)
  • Write key and enabling learning objectives using the content/task analysis. (I need to establish targets for the learners and the training program to provide direction.)
  • Develop procedures to test the key and enabling objectives including selected response test, constructed response test, and checklist. (I need to know if they learned what was intended.)
  • Develop your lessons/modules using an eight-step lesson design. (I need a plan to get the learners from where they are to where they need to be to do their job and meet the business need.)
  • Select and/or design learning activities including authentic practice, case studies, role-plays, and other involvement activities for your program. (I need to make the learning experience is engaging.)
  • Develop a plan to conduct try-out and revision cycles of your training programs following research-based strategies. (I need to know if this program really worked with the target population and if not, how it can be revised to be more effective.)

[readmore link=”http://www.ispi.org/content.aspx?id=1208″]Register at this link using Workshop Code: WSF[/readmore]

Note: Dr. Darryl Sink will also be presenting an educational session and a cracker barrel session at the conference.