The Project's Over – What Happened? (Part 2)

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Darryl L. Sink and Associates, Inc. (DSA) helps organizations design and develop learning and performance solutions that get results. DSA works cooperatively with organizations to:

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In Part 1 of this month's tip we provided a matrix to help collect data during a project and a strategy to analyze the data by comparing the cells in the matrix. Of course, we want to identify lessons learned from what might have not gone so well. The analysis of the evaluation data need not always focus on bad news. We can and should use the analysis data to identify outstanding achievements in different areas and to reward the key people who are responsible for these achievements.

Using our Evaluation Matrix, achievements may occur at each of the three levels: results, processes, and resources. Here is a checklist of different types of outstanding achievements in the three categories.

  1. Positive Consequences
  2. Public Recognition
  3. Recognition From the Top

You can identify these achievements when you are comparing the planned and the actual columns in the Evaluation Matrix.

Once you have identified achievements, it is very important for you to recognize and reward the people responsible for them. If a team has done the work, you will want to recognize and reward the team. This is one of the major functions of a front line manager.

You can reward these outstanding achievers in several different ways:

This concludes the two-part tip on evaluation after the project is over. In Part 1, we discussed how to identify continuous improvement ideas and in Part 2 how to recognize outstanding achievements.

See you next time,
