The Project's Over – What Happened? (Part 1)

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Darryl L. Sink and Associates, Inc. (DSA) helps organizations design and develop learning and performance solutions that get results. DSA works cooperatively with organizations to:

  • accomplish internal custom projects
  • train and educate their internal staff in Instructional Systems Development.

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Who hasn’t heard this before?

"We should capture our lessons learned on this project."

I have found that we should plan for project evaluation and gather the data during the project. You're likely to get a pretty weak result if you just list things the team can remember after the project is over.

So, here is an evaluation process we have used to increase both the quantity and the quality of the data we collect on a project.

First, we define evaluation of a project as the act of tracking and measuring results, work processes, and resources.

It involves collecting and comparing data on what was planned and what actually happened. The results of the evaluation activity help the team to identify continuous improvement ideas and to recognize outstanding achievements.

Evaluation Matrix

In more illustrative terms, here it is in a project evaluation matrix format:

To look at some questions to use to fill in the cells and directions on how to use the Evaluation Matrix, click here.

Please give this a try with your team even if the project is over. I think you will find it will increase the quantity and quality of your data and help you see the interrelated affects of one aspect of the project on another.

In Part 2 of The Projects Over – What Happened? we will make suggestions on how to identify and recognize outstanding achievements on an individual and team basis using the evaluation matrix.

See you next time,
