Darryl L. Sink and Associates, Inc. (DSA) helps organizations design and develop learning and performance solutions that get results. DSA works cooperatively with organizations to:
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As learning and performance professionals we are often asked to help introduce new corporate initiatives—such as new technologies, processes, products, and strategies. We may help with the training programs or we may be working with a large team of people during the execution of some new initiative as a consultant. In either case, I often find that even though your team and associates get excited initially about the new ideas/initiatives, there is usually a yeah, but stage we all go through. My good friend Thiagi first introduced me to this great activity. This activity is very empowering for the participants. I call the frame for this activity “Overcoming Barriers”. Here is how it works in general. If you like it you can click on “Overcoming Barriers” Comment: I can provide this. to get a more detailed directions.
This activity is especially effective for identifying and solving problems (barriers). Participants brainstorm possible problems/barriers they may face in trying to implement something new. Whether you are trying to switch to a team approach in your company or implementing a new technology, or trying to solve a series of problems related to intercultural conflicts, this game frame can move a group to action.
Problems/barriers are prioritized and the highest priority problems are identified. Each problem is described on a separate envelope. The envelopes are passed between teams and possible solutions are generated by the teams. Finally, the possible solutions are evaluated and the top solutions are selected for each problem. Action plans can then be prepared.
The goals for this activity are: