Looking For A Webinar & Virtual Classroom Development Process?

About DSA

Darryl L. Sink and Associates, Inc. (DSA) helps organizations design and develop learning and performance solutions that get results. DSA works cooperatively with organizations to:

  • accomplish internal custom projects
  • train and educate their internal staff in Instructional Systems Development.

Check out DSA presenters and Consultants at dsink.com.

DSA Tips Newsletter Archive

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Darryl’s tips are now conveniently organized not only by published date, but by these topics:

  • Project Management
  • Front End Analysis
  • Design Strategies
  • Instructional Strategies/Techniques
  • Measurement/Evaluation
  • Implementation
  • Professional Development
  • Coaching with DSA Tips

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DSA has helped our clients to design and develop many webinar and Virtual Classroom (VC) courses and presentations for worldwide audiences.

Working in conjunction with the client's subject matter experts (SMEs), we have strived to follow solid ISD principles while working within these dynamic learning environments. Below is the 10-step process we follow when designing and developing webinar/VC programs. I hope you find it helpful.

  1. Defining session goals and objective(s) of each webinar /VC in terms of realistic learning outcomes correlated to the business needs and the task analysis results.
  2. Creating performance-based skill-building webinar /VC sessions rather than topic-based lectures.
  3. Writing an abbreviated design document for each webinar /VC.
  4. Working with SMEs to design, structure, and develop interactive illustrated webinar/VC presentations.
  5. Incorporating cognitive activities that engage the learner and minimize passive learner behavior and authentic activities to increase transfer.
  6. Refining the slide set to maximize learning.
  7. Writing detailed speaker notes/outline to accompany slide presentations (incorporate Q&A information and other interactions).
  8. Conducting learner validation and SME review to revise and refine the materials as needed before launch.
  9. Rehearsing the webinar/VC and providing coaching prior to live presentation including practice with the technology for the presentation.
  10. Attending each webinar /VC to record student questions and responses and to collect ideas for improving each subsequent presentation.

As always, where we can, we follow up to see what impact the program had on the business needs.


See you next time,

