Instructor-Led Training

DSA has completed over 800 interactive instructor-led and facilitated projects for Fortune 500 companies and government entities. Projects vary, from relatively short workshop formats, to more lengthy courses, to whole curricula for a specific job or career path.

Custom Project Experience

  • Job training for existing and new job roles
  • Product knowledge training for sales teams and customers
  • Technician training for the set up, trouble shooting, and repair of equipment
  • Internal and external regulatory policies and procedures
  • Software training and documentation for both internal use and customers
  • Management and leadership workshops and forums
  • Key strategic initiatives where learning the new way was a critical a part of the initiative

Five Client Examples

  1. Apple Computer, Inc.: Five education sales seminars and Global Weekly Planning software training.
  2. Boeing Company: DCAC/MRM Restoration software training.
  3. Caterpillar, Inc.: 4.5 days of hands-on technician training to troubleshoot and repair large natural gas engines.
  4. HP: More than 20 projects including a curriculum for the job positions of Financial Analyst and Order Fulfillment.
  5. Learning Tree International: Redesign of 32 courses in their management curriculum.  DSA designers worked with the course authors to make the courses performance-based and highly motivating through the use of media rich authentic activities and simulations. The courses are trademarked as RealityPlus™.

Be sure to ask us for examples similar to what you need. Contact Darryl Sink to discuss your needs.

Our Process

Working with your internal project manager and content expert(s), DSA designers follow proven ISD processes and procedures to cooperatively create your instructor-led programs.

Associated Proficiencies

We are also proficient at developing job aids, quick reference guides, and computer support tools to accompany the instructor-led training and to aid in transfer of the training to the work place environment. We have experience in the simultaneous development of both training and documentation if needed.

In addition, we develop solutions incorporating all forms of educational media and delivery systems, including virtual classrooms, synchronous and asynchronous e-learning, and blended learning approaches. Click here for information on our e-learning and blended learning custom work.